- 7.01 Surds
- 7.02 Limits of accuracy
- 7.03 Direct and inverse proportion (algebra)
- 7.04 Quadratic formula
- 7.05 Factorising harder quadratics
- 7.06 Algebraic fractions
- 7.07 Rearranging harder formulae
- 7.08 Trigonometric and exponential graphs
- 7.09 Inverse and composite functions
- 7.10 Solving equations using iteration
- 7.11 Sine rule
- 7.12 Cosine rule
- 7.13 Area of triangles with trigonometry
- 7.14 Congruent triangles
- 7.15 3D Pythagoras and trigonometry
- 7.16 Histograms
- 7.17 Conditional probability